

Introducing Highgate

Nestled between woods and parkland and perched atop a steep hill, Highgate has the feel of a village – not only in its winding lanes, but in the community noticeboards crammed full of events on almost every street corner. Drop in to one of the area’s many pubs for a lunchtime pint of craft beer or real ale, or pay a visit to Highgate Cemetery’s most famous resident: Karl Marx.

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      Best known for

      Highgate Cemetery

      The atmospheric Victorian cemetery that has served as the backdrop to many films including Shaun of the Dead and Dorian Gray and with venerable graves including, Karl Marx, Patrick Caulfield and Jeremy Beadle…

      Exceptional views

      As one of London's highest points Highgate commands great views across Central London.

      Not only does Highgate look like a village, all clusters of Georgian townhouses, winding lanes and cutesy shops, but the area has community noticeboards crammed full of events on almost every street corner.

      Homes in Highgate See all homes in Highgate

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